Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Gift

a grain of sand becomes a precious pearl
a tiny seed becomes a fragile flower
a small acorn becomes a mighty oak

where would we be without these gifts?
what joy they bring our hearts!

a strand of pearls….each one unique
a bouquet of flowers….each one so fragrant
a bountiful forest….peaceful and alive

each gift wonderful and dear
giving life to every step, every breath

but none of these is more invigorating
none more full of life
than the gift of friendship

the meaning has no sufficient description
words are not enough

no way to explain
no words can describe
unable to express

the feeling of such a friendship
more like blood than comrades

a gift from Allah to be cherished for life
so grateful for you, my friend
just because you’re you 

War Torn

war torn and full of pain
he takes away our men
our brothers our husbands our sons
he lives in luxury and has no remorse
wives sisters mothers cry out
nothing can stop the pain

his people torture and kill
lest they too are tortured and killed
some manage escape
only to spend each day in fear
some fight and fight hoping to taste freedom
some won’t get the chance

afraid to leave the house
afraid to go to work or school
afraid to use the phone

enraged by the fear
enraged by the desperation
enraged enough to care no more

emboldened to take the risks
emboldened to make some noise
emboldened to fight to die to live free

war torn and full of pain
soon walahi soon ….. Libya Will Be Free

Make a Difference

From a simple comment or a kind word…
…a friendship blossoms

From one thought shared……an idea grows

From across the sea…..a bond is made

Dots are connected, line are drawn
dreams are shared, hope is born

Hope in humanity, hope against strife
a seed is planted to begin a new life

Time has a way of slipping by
not paying attention, not caring why

But hope in the world, hope for all time
began anew when someone said hi

The future is bright, spirits are high
strength is renewed, there’s no doubt why

A simple act, a natural response
began a transformation deep in the heart

The heart knows the way, the heart is wise
it knows where true friendship lies

It resides in the heart, bonded and free
free to live, full of possibilities

Fortune and fame, not from money or power
but from the blessing of friendship at any hour

Through the miles, through the years
through the laughter and the tears

There is no one greater or more precious to the heart
than the one who inspires a brand new start

laa illaha illa allah

laa illaha illa allah
laa illaha illa allah
laa illaha illa allah

how is it possible that life goes on
when we just want the pain to stop
how is it possible that the world still turns
when all we feel is helpless

laa illaha illa allah

will it help to fly to the mountain top
and fill the canyon with my voice
will it help to fall in the nearest stream
and overflow it with my tears

laa illaha illa allah

so young so strong so full of zeal
cut short too short a precious life
we’re left behind to wait our time
to mend our hearts and remember

laa illaha illa allah

too much to bear not strong enough
on my own it’s far too much
reach to allah beg comfort from him
his arms are waiting to bring you in

laa illaha illa allah

relief is near as time will pass
the memories will last forever
new friends will come new journeys arrive
yet nothing will replace his life

laa illaha illa allah

a friend a brother a heart
he’s off to jannah waiting for you
your friend forever no matter what
his love will never die

laa illaha illa allah
laa illaha illa allah
laa illaha illa allah


كُنت تمضي حياتك مستلقياً على جهلك
وتتكبد عناءً طويلاً لتحصل على مبتغاك
وتتسلق مسافات طويلة لتحصل على الثمار

تبحث في جهلك ... فقط للاستكشاف
ولم تستطع  أن تدرك كل شيء حولك
لأن العالم كبير ... واسعٌ ومخيف
لذلك ... تحافظ على نفسك من الضياع

وكل يوم بنفس الرتابة يتكرر
هل من جديد ؟ .... إنها مجرد لعبة

فجأة تجد نفسك محاط بالراحة
في مكان حنون وآمن
مرتاح ... تشعر بالراحة من المشاكل والهموم
التي كانت تحاصرك في كل حياتك

عندما تجمع شتاتك ويكتمل كيانك لتشعر بالقوة
تفتح عينيك لترى بأنك لست الوحيد
لست الوحيد الذي اكتمل عقله وكيانه
إلا أن روحك مضت نحوك لتحلق عالياً

يخرجك من قيودك
إنك آمن ورزين
وتشعر بأنك ستمسك العالم

لتتفكر في ذاتك وتشكر الله
وتفهم ما حكمت الله فيك
كم هو رائع هذا الجمال ...
كم هي فرحة لتختار لهذا

حلق عالياً واغني ذاتك
الله يملك الكثير ... ليغنيك
لا تشك في ذلك ...
قم بأفضل ما لديك دائماً
وتقبل كل هذا ... كل هذه المكافئات

من ... قوة وعظمة الله
من حب ... الله
ستشاهد عالمك برؤية أخرى
مشرق ... جميل ومبدع

كفراشة تحلق بعيداً
تحلق ... إلى السماء
تتوكل على الله من خلال
... صلاتك ودعائك
وجميع الفضائل من الله
وأخوتك وأخواتك في الله
هم ... من يحبونك ويعتنون بك
لتصل إلى الآفاق الجديدة
You spend a lifetime on your belly or so it seems
it takes so long to get just what you need
you climb a mile up a tree for a nibble from a leaf

You spend a lifetime on your belly just crawling around
can't see much going on around you so close to the ground
the world is too big, too scary, too wide
so you keep to yourself hoping you don't get crushed or lost somehow

Day after day the same and the same
is there anything new, is it all just a game?

Then one day you find you're wrapped nice and tight
in a place so safe and secure
and you rest, a deep rest, from the trials and troubles
that followed you throughout your whole life

When your rest is complete and you've regained your strength
you open your eyes to find
not only are you stronger in body and mind
but your spirit has brought you to flight

You come out of your shell
that was so safe and secure
and you feel you can take on the world

You look down at yourself and alhamdullah
you see what Allah has intended for you
how amazing the beauty
how tender the heart
what a joy to be chosen for this

Fly high reach far
Allah has great plans
never doubt always serve
always do your very best
and receive all the rewards set for you

With the strength of Allah
from the love of Allah
you see the whole world anew
bright and bold and beautiful

Soar high butterfly
reach to the sky
depend on Allah through
salat and du3aa
and all the gifts of Allah
in sisters and brothers alike
who love you and care for you
and reach to new heights