Monday, July 21, 2014

How long has it been

How long has it been since I’ve seen your face
Or heard your voice
I’ve never held your hand or touched your lips
You’re words on a screen
That inspire and encourage
That linger in my heart
We’ve passed so much time together
Sharing, laughing, learning, aiding
I long to see your words
Yet I long more to see your face
And hear your voice
To hold your hand and touch your lips

What a great day it will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

Is it a day in the future
Or a day in my mind
Will it happen by sheer will
Or do we need to work hard
Toward the goal of being one
To share the life I’ve wanted
Seems simply a dream
Do you see in your mind
Is it reality for you
Or simply a dream as well

What a great day it will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When in look in your eyes

I want to grow old
With the person I love
Who’ll love me the most
Of anyone before
All I want is real love
To carry me through life
To end on a note
That shows how I thrived
Do you want my love
Shall we share it us two
Are we made for each other
Or ships to pass through

What a great day it will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

How is it your words
Are so strong for my heart
How helpless I feel
By how far we’re apart
The years have been many
Though they seem really short
Considering all we have been through
Each life separate with cost
If my will were enough
If your desire so strong
Would we be together
To overcome the strife
One day we shall see
One day we shall meet
Face to face hand in hand
More than words on the screen

What a great day that will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

When I taste your lips
When I touch your face
When we blend into one
When we look to our fate
When we live to old age
And we love our way through
All the trials and struggles
And find we are true

What a great day that will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes