Monday, July 21, 2014

How long has it been

How long has it been since I’ve seen your face
Or heard your voice
I’ve never held your hand or touched your lips
You’re words on a screen
That inspire and encourage
That linger in my heart
We’ve passed so much time together
Sharing, laughing, learning, aiding
I long to see your words
Yet I long more to see your face
And hear your voice
To hold your hand and touch your lips

What a great day it will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

Is it a day in the future
Or a day in my mind
Will it happen by sheer will
Or do we need to work hard
Toward the goal of being one
To share the life I’ve wanted
Seems simply a dream
Do you see in your mind
Is it reality for you
Or simply a dream as well

What a great day it will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When in look in your eyes

I want to grow old
With the person I love
Who’ll love me the most
Of anyone before
All I want is real love
To carry me through life
To end on a note
That shows how I thrived
Do you want my love
Shall we share it us two
Are we made for each other
Or ships to pass through

What a great day it will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

How is it your words
Are so strong for my heart
How helpless I feel
By how far we’re apart
The years have been many
Though they seem really short
Considering all we have been through
Each life separate with cost
If my will were enough
If your desire so strong
Would we be together
To overcome the strife
One day we shall see
One day we shall meet
Face to face hand in hand
More than words on the screen

What a great day that will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

When I taste your lips
When I touch your face
When we blend into one
When we look to our fate
When we live to old age
And we love our way through
All the trials and struggles
And find we are true

What a great day that will be
When those things come to pass
When I feel your heartbeat
When I look in your eyes

Monday, July 23, 2012


Hurt, taken for granted
Afraid to open up
Time and time again
Maybe it's time to give up

Clouds and rain
No sunshine, just pain
Is there anyone true
Anyone honest and sane

So glad for a friend
willing to take time
to search and to search
for the answer to the rhyme

Finally, beyond space and time
Finally, al7mdulillah the answer to the rhyme
Finally, your voice rings loud and clear
Finally, your face is the one I hold dear

Your words touch my heart
I believe you ring true
Every chat, every message
They're special, from you

No more hurt, no more pain
No time to give up
Just break down the walls
That's the charge, open up

Take a risk, take the chance
There's only one life
Don't waste this precious gift
See the end of your strife

Wallahi dear girl
He is true to his word
He'll express himself clearly
You're frail, like a bird

He says he'll take care
He says he'll provide
He says he'll love you
Just be by his side

One more thing to be sure
With your heart in his hand
Rise above, have no fear
He shall take a stand


Can someone protect me from that which will harm me?

Can someone guide me when my vision is blurred?
Can someone shield me from attacks of my mind when lies flood the banks?
Can someone care for me when I am weak and insecure?
Can someone make me soar like an eagle flying free above vast canyons?
Can someone provide shelter and comfort and peace in my heart?
Can someone listen to my cries, my fears, my joys, my victories and make the rest of the world disappear?
Can someone see through the many facets of my life, find all the best qualities and make them shine like a field of diamonds?
Can someone become a knight in shining armor to rescue the fairest princess?
I believe someone can
I believe someone is . . . YOU

Monday, January 9, 2012

In the end

I cried again today
Don’t know if you care
Don’t know if it matters
Remembered the hurt
Remembered the surprise
Your words hit my heart like a knife

I remembered how we laughed
How we joked
We had so much fun
I missed you when you were gone
Away to see family
So far so long
But then you returned
And it was like you’d never gone

I cried again today
Don’t know if you care
Don’t know if it matters
Remembered the hurt
Remembered the surprise
Your words hit my heart like a knife

Friends share their lives
Their good their bad
Friends stay together
And give shelter in storms
Friends love each other
No matter what
Friends don’t give up
But fight til the end

I cried again today
Don’t know if you care
Don’t know if it matters
Remembered the hurt
Remembered the surprise
Your words hit my heart life a knife

Where to go from here
We have to decide
Push on til the end
Or let it ride
Forget all the laughter
Replace it with tears
Move on to a new place
New friends new fears
New chances new tears

One mistake … it’s all over
One wrong move … sucks to be you
One choice … make it a good one
One chance … make it right

I cried again today
Don’t know if you care
Don’t know if it matters
Remembered the hurt
Remembered the surprise
Your words hit my heart like a knife

Are you really my friend
Are you there in the end
Are you guiding or criticizing
Are you helping or manipulating
Are you using abusing confusing
Self-centered egoistic eccentric

Are you really my friend
Are you there in the end
My sweet friend
Kind and gentle
Caring tender
Imperfect and fair

I cried again today
Don’t know if you care
Don’t know if it matters
Remembered the hurt
Remembered the surprise
Your words hit my heart like a knife

Are you there in the end

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Gift

a grain of sand becomes a precious pearl
a tiny seed becomes a fragile flower
a small acorn becomes a mighty oak

where would we be without these gifts?
what joy they bring our hearts!

a strand of pearls….each one unique
a bouquet of flowers….each one so fragrant
a bountiful forest….peaceful and alive

each gift wonderful and dear
giving life to every step, every breath

but none of these is more invigorating
none more full of life
than the gift of friendship

the meaning has no sufficient description
words are not enough

no way to explain
no words can describe
unable to express

the feeling of such a friendship
more like blood than comrades

a gift from Allah to be cherished for life
so grateful for you, my friend
just because you’re you 

War Torn

war torn and full of pain
he takes away our men
our brothers our husbands our sons
he lives in luxury and has no remorse
wives sisters mothers cry out
nothing can stop the pain

his people torture and kill
lest they too are tortured and killed
some manage escape
only to spend each day in fear
some fight and fight hoping to taste freedom
some won’t get the chance

afraid to leave the house
afraid to go to work or school
afraid to use the phone

enraged by the fear
enraged by the desperation
enraged enough to care no more

emboldened to take the risks
emboldened to make some noise
emboldened to fight to die to live free

war torn and full of pain
soon walahi soon ….. Libya Will Be Free

Make a Difference

From a simple comment or a kind word…
…a friendship blossoms

From one thought shared……an idea grows

From across the sea…..a bond is made

Dots are connected, line are drawn
dreams are shared, hope is born

Hope in humanity, hope against strife
a seed is planted to begin a new life

Time has a way of slipping by
not paying attention, not caring why

But hope in the world, hope for all time
began anew when someone said hi

The future is bright, spirits are high
strength is renewed, there’s no doubt why

A simple act, a natural response
began a transformation deep in the heart

The heart knows the way, the heart is wise
it knows where true friendship lies

It resides in the heart, bonded and free
free to live, full of possibilities

Fortune and fame, not from money or power
but from the blessing of friendship at any hour

Through the miles, through the years
through the laughter and the tears

There is no one greater or more precious to the heart
than the one who inspires a brand new start